martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010

Fluorecent adolescent

Being a teenager has never been an easy task, neither fifty years ago nor now. However,while in those days teens fell into mischief without bringing about any dire consecquences, these days the young have become prone to criminal behaviour. Which are the causes that have contributed to such and increase in juvenile delinquency?

Over the last decades crime among the younghas raised dramatically. It is often alleged that the government has failed to provide a solution to this serious problem, which has now reached unprecedented levels. In addition, the predicament these teenagersare caught in is far from a fairy tale.Households made of single or divorced parents who have been unemployed for years; whole families living on welfare; parents unable to provide their children with the basic school material, clothing or even food.
Furthermore, high schools are governed by the lawthat states that you are what you have. For those teens who cannot have the latest "stuff ", it is like throwing them into a lion´s cage where the only way of getting what they think they need is crime. Finally, it is clear the educational system falls shotof its potential. Added to the problem infrastructure and materials, discipline and low marks are commonplace. Teachers find it almost impossible to give students a lesson thus classrooms are chaotic places in which critical thinking cannot be fostered.

Clearly, this situation must be reversed as soon as possible. New policies as regards employment should be applied. Instead of having people living on welfare, which can be degrading, the government should invest funds to activate the country´s productive line which, in turn would generate employment.
Concerning teenagers, schools should be equipped with a psichological and pedagogical department to aid students both emmotionally and academically. What is more, school timetables should be enlarged, giving students the chance to learn a craft, play an instrument or practise spots. In that way, these teenagers will be definitely kept out of the streets.

In conclusion, social and economic problems have led to juvenile crime yet solutions are at hand. To copoe with this plight effectively we need to ensure the young have a model to look up to both at their homes and schools. Athough all the suggestions above mentioned will require a long-term investment both in social policies and education, it is high time we startedthinking about teenagers´future which happens to be also ours.

1 comentario:

  1. awesome title celi!!! you know that song is from Artic Monkeys! it's lovely! and it matches the topic of your piece! sweet! why don't you just upload it ;)!
