By the end of every term, the ghost of stress hovers above college students. Lost of studying, sleepless nights and careless eating. Do they ring a bell to you? Exams are one of the most stressful situations we have to cope with yet there are a series of steps to follow to get over them.
Most of us believe that the more hours we study the better. This is a common misconseption though. When it comes to studying quantity outweighs quantity. In order to works at is optimum potential our brains need both oxigen and fresh air . We need to keep our blood circulating an the only way of achieving this is moving. Go for a walk. Meet your friends: Leave your place. Devote a fraction of your time to relaxing and ensuring all that reading finally becomes knowledge.
Undoubtedly, long studying hours is not the only factor that can result in stress. All the anxiety and nervousness our bodies are exposed to may inevitably lead to insomnia. This is a rather common symptom of stress. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do about it. As the saying goes: if you can´t beat them, join them. You could take advantage of those peaceful hours at night and study or just relax. Make the most of your time- do not try to avoid it since once your exams are over, your biological clock will return to its normal rhythm.
Finally, your eating can play a decesive influence on your performanceduring the exams periods. Try not to neglect your eating habits. Keeping a balanced diet will aid both your body and your mind to successfully undergo the exams period.
We are all well aware that a stress free end of term is an unattainable task. However, we are convinced that following the suggestions mentiones above you will be a ble to overcome the stress fuelled by exams and get the best results. At this time of the year your well being is as crucial as studying. Give it a try!
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