lunes, 19 de julio de 2010

I now pronounce you

In the past months, the same issue has prevailed on the first pages of the newspapers and in the news: The gay marriage law. And after such a long debate, after trying to figure out this new reality in our country I still find it difficult to answer myself the question : Is this right? 54

The struggle for the legalization of homosexual marriage is a very resent one , however it has reached parliment and raised a controversy as regards the rights and obligations gay couples are now granted , on top of the list being the right to adopt a child. People against the new law have exposed their arguments basing themselves in religious beliefs, values and morals.
They would claim that children have the right to mother and a father, probably without thinking about the countless number of children who grow up in "non traditional" households.
Another arguments was the influence homosexual parents may have on their children´s sexuality. I can´t help wondering : Why are there so many gay people who were brought up by heterosexual couples?175
Among these trains of thought appeared the most despicable hypothesis. A bizarre idea that gay couples might adopt a child in order to subject him or her to sexual abuse.
The truth is that this law has come to contemplate behaviours that have been taking place since decades ago. And, though accused of hypocritical, a part of sopciety is still reluctant to accept this fact. 240

On the other hand, no matter how open minded we might be, for some of us same-sex marriage is still shocking. Its not because we do not respect their rights, is that having been raised in "traditional " families, our schema is not ready to put up with such a new reality. Luckily for us, the new generations will surely accept this sitation as commonplace. Society needs time to analize the real step we have just made as a nation.319
The world press published this 14th july : "Gay marriage law : Argentina is the First Latin American Country to Approve Same-sex Marriage".
On the world´s eyes, we seem a nation which is paving the way to a most just and egalitarian society. In my persoanl view , we still have a long way to go. Health and education systems need to be improved. People in the government have to look after EVERY CITIZEN´S RIGHTS. 391

In conclusion, I´d like to quote senator Norma Morandini:

""What defines us is our humanity, and what runs against humanity is intolerance"

I do believe in tolerance and respect as the basis of our society.

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